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For local businesses who need to promote their online presence, bepSmart provides a series of digital-marketing tools.

  • Key Services

    bepSmart™ Customer-Review Cards for Google®: The easiest way to get more customer reviews on Google.

  • Technology Solution

    These credit-card-size NFC-cards allow customers to easily leave feedback on Google by simply tapping with their smartphones.


Welcome to bepSmart™, where we specialize in offering products that enhance customer engagement and improve business online reputation. Our first product is bepSmart™ Customer-Review Cards for Google ®. These innovative NFC-cards allow customers to easily leave feedback on Google by simply tapping with their smartphones. By streamlining the review process, we help businesses boost their reputation on Google. 

Our Team

Kyle Qin


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We align with these Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth