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UOW students undertake Start-up subject at iAccelerate

iAccelerate are excited to welcome fifteen UOW engineering students to iAccelerate this Summer to complete a Start-Up subject as part of their UOW degree.

The subject is titled Lean Engineering Start Up and will give students 12 credit points towards their UOW degree. 

Lean Engineering Start Up will run in the iAccelerate start up incubator where participants will carry on their projects and develop them into a lean start up business. They’ll cover topics including Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design, IP, Customer discovery, marketing, Product Management, Brand Development. PR and Social Media, Digital strategy, Finance, Term Sheet negotiations, Leadership, HR and extensive pitch training. 

This isn’t the first time we have had engineering students complete a Summer session at iAccelerate, but it is the first time students will have their time at iAccelerate recognised as a credit point component of their degree. Some of our past engineering students have gone on to apply as residents to iAccelerate, including InstaShred and V-DAQ, so we’re excited to see what ideas will come out of their time at iAccelerate!